I’m Sick Of Africa

All is not well in Christendom.

Today, the Church made an appeal to donate to something for Africa. Well, they lost me at “Africa”. 

I don’t believe in “mission work”.

The greatest mission field for Christians today is Christendom.
The greatest mission population for Christendom today is our own brothers and sisters, in our own lands.

Please stop bleating and appealing for Africans, Haitians, Guatemalans, Syrians, Burmese, and the rest of the non-White world. They are all on the upswing, on the move, and on track to take out eight Christians for every one of them that makes it into our lands. 

How, you ask? First, by literally displacing our children and grandchildren. 

In Germany, Angela Merkel’s communist state let down the gates on September 5th, 2015, and has let in MILLIONS of unvetted, anti-Christian, non-White savages. Merkel is now seizing property, namely houses and apartments of White German citizens, and giving them to “refugees”.

The “refugees” go on to destroy everything, whole cities, once they are here. I know personally of German families, who, after having been German for over five hundred years, have now been driven out of Germany altogether by “migrants”. 

Just look at Paris: a romantic weekend in Paris for your 25th wedding anniversary? That is a pathetic joke now. The French would rather have millions of lone black male savages swarming their streets than tourists. 

Look at what destruction Muslims have intentionally done to ancient statues and relics of the Church throughout Europe. Italy would rather keep importing lone black male savages out of Africa, thousands per day now, than have pilgrims to the Vatican City.

Millions of White girls have been raped in the past few years, thanks to the satanic policies of the globalists who dictate over every country in the West. 

One Million White English schoolgirls have been raped in the United Kingdom by Pakis.

Yet, the politicians yield not to the groaning and pleas of the voters; more Muslims and non-Whites are being imported every day into Christendom. The politicians in the West are doing the opposite of good, the opposite of what the people have cried out for. 

It is White genocide!

How soon do you forget the slaying of Father Hamel in Normandy, France? 

Father Jacques Hamel, Normandy, France (Photo credit: oasiscenter.eu)

He was ruthlessly murdered by anti-Christian Muslims (is that redundant?) on July 26, 2016. Here is an excerpt from Wiki:

[Father] Hamel died when his throat was slit by two Muslim men, Adel Kermiche and Abdel Malik Petitjean, who both pledged allegiance to the Islamic State.  The attack occurred while [Father] Hamel was saying Mass in his parish in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray on 26 July 2016. During the attack, [Father] Hamel said “Satan, go!” when confronted by his killers.

Do you have the courage to say, even in your private prayers, “Satan, go!”

“Satan, get thee hence!”

The birth rates of non-Christians is on average 6 children per family. Many Muslim families arrive in Europe with 28 hands held open, expecting to receive their First World passports and goody baskets for life. “You have so much,” they intone to the Westerner.

Perhaps the non-Christian peoples do not understand the ethics of hard work. Indeed, almost every non-White man that has “migrated” into Europe is living off the productive White ethnic Christians. Less than 2% of Merkel’s “migrants” have a job of any sort. 

Perhaps the non-Christian peoples, with their low IQs, have a predilection toward crime, debauchery, and sin. It is obvious, even in this short span of time, since their most recent invasion, that they will NEVER be an asset to Western civilization. They are here to destroy it.

Perhaps the non-Christian peoples are predestined to forever rely upon the Whites, for their very sustanence, never mind the iPhones, Adidas sportswear, and Audis they accumulate soon after their arrival. Again, they are consumers on a scale that no European has ever been able to afford, especially as the “refugees” produce nothing of positive value whatsoever.

Perhaps the non-Christian peoples will always give in to their lusts. Indeed, in Sweden and other Christian lands, the non-White rapist is set free. His defense? That he needed sexual relief. 

Yes, this is happening hundreds of times a day now in Christendom. Do you not care for the White girl who has had her life wrecked, not just by the savage rape done to her, but by the White justice system that tells her she “asked for it”? Where are the fathers of these White girls? Will you not stand with these heartbroken girls and their families?

Perhaps the non-Christian peoples are much more short-sighted. They most certainly are gluttonous consumers. They are here to take everything your ancestors worked for. Will you stand up against their theft, rape and murder of our peoples and our lands?

Whites must cease to feel guilty for being White, Western, Christian, decent, peaceful, civilized, and “wealthy.”

Yes, we are better off. We are a better, more moral people. We don’t stone women or pour acid on them; we don’t cut our girls private parts off (and we didn’t cut our boys until the genital mutilators influenced modern medicine to do so). We don’t convert others to our religion by threat of the sword.

Our ancestors fought for their faith, their families, their homelands. So must we.

Serpent (Wikipedia)

Our ancestors went without every day, so there would be more for tomorrow. They eschewed sexual deviancy and would be appalled at what we Christians have allowed to enter our countries, our communities, our very homes. Look at how Sweden, Holland, Denmark, Germany, Britain, Scotland, Ireland… practically all of Christendom… has allowed the true infidel into our lands where they rape with impunity. 

It is disgusting. It is anti-Christian. It is Satanic. It must be put down. The serpent must be crushed!

Choose today. Stand up for Christendom.



Paris: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3839636/amp/Footage-shows-Paris-covered-rubbish-left-African-migrants.html

Relics: https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/718887/migrant-church-destroy-art-statue-religion-Rome-priceless/amp

Schoolgirls: Pakis Raped 1 Million https://youtu.be/8T9JJi6kqrc

Father Jacques Hamel: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Hamel

Wrecked: http://metro.co.uk/2017/04/26/three-men-jailed-for-gang-raping-woman-on-facebook-live-6597934/amp/

©2017 ZulaBLaw 
Permission to republish is granted so long as you 

Thank you.
Here is the link for this article: https://zulablaw.wordpress.com/2017/06/11/348/

France: Into the Darkness

Le Pen has come up short in the French elections. Electoral politics lose every time to mob politics. No people can survive a mob of Islamists, Africans, and other non-Whites invading their White countries. 

Europeans are fighting with antiquated ideologies, using their enemies’ apparatus: democracy.  

Like the British Red Coats marching openly, in orderly formation, the West is dying from propriety, niceties, and etiquette.

A call to order, not chaos, is made herein. It is chaos, death, destruction, and street fighting that has been brought upon the countries of Europe by the forced invasion of the violent, hate-filled, uneducable, unintelligent, immoral dark peoples.

Will Europeans have enough time left to deport the invaders and to restore their homelands? It is looking more unlikely every day. Will their valiant efforts for peace and prosperity in their own homelands be put down again by the élites? Undoubtedly so. 

Since they put down their weapons after World War 2, Europeans have not fought one another in the streets; moreover, at the behest of their élites, Europeans disarmed themselves and turned in their guns, as they were convinced that there was no longer any threat. 


Europeans succeeded only in making themselves one big gun-free zone. To the delight of knife-savvy North Africans and the rapey swarthy tribes of the Middle East, Pakistan, and India, White Europeans have been found disarmed and ready with open arms.

With the snide invitation by the West-hating élites, the dark tribes have marched into France and taken her.

Can order be restored without violence and chaos? Not likely.
