France: Into the Darkness

Le Pen has come up short in the French elections. Electoral politics lose every time to mob politics. No people can survive a mob of Islamists, Africans, and other non-Whites invading their White countries. 

Europeans are fighting with antiquated ideologies, using their enemies’ apparatus: democracy.  

Like the British Red Coats marching openly, in orderly formation, the West is dying from propriety, niceties, and etiquette.

A call to order, not chaos, is made herein. It is chaos, death, destruction, and street fighting that has been brought upon the countries of Europe by the forced invasion of the violent, hate-filled, uneducable, unintelligent, immoral dark peoples.

Will Europeans have enough time left to deport the invaders and to restore their homelands? It is looking more unlikely every day. Will their valiant efforts for peace and prosperity in their own homelands be put down again by the élites? Undoubtedly so. 

Since they put down their weapons after World War 2, Europeans have not fought one another in the streets; moreover, at the behest of their élites, Europeans disarmed themselves and turned in their guns, as they were convinced that there was no longer any threat. 


Europeans succeeded only in making themselves one big gun-free zone. To the delight of knife-savvy North Africans and the rapey swarthy tribes of the Middle East, Pakistan, and India, White Europeans have been found disarmed and ready with open arms.

With the snide invitation by the West-hating élites, the dark tribes have marched into France and taken her.

Can order be restored without violence and chaos? Not likely.
