Parade of Pimps and Whores: American Prom

Let’s talk Prom. American Prom.

A recent article showcased the problem with proms in America: they have become a parade of black pimps and White girls whored off in slut dresses. [1]

The only commentary allowed is that it is “racist,” to say anything critical about it. Isn’t it obvious that what is good to a black or Muslim or Hindu, is bad for the White? There is nothing good about being defiled; nevertheless, the darker races insist that being the defiler is a right. 

Uh, no.

Why has the American prom gone from Promenade to promiscuity?
Proms originated in the girls colleges in the late 19th Century. Formal attire and etiquette bespoke the class and aspiration, as much as origins. It was an age when dressing well and behaving well were expected. Need I remind us, There was no race mixing.

After WW1, proms were introduced in American high schools as a “coming out” event for girls and boys who would not go off to a college, but would soon be married.

In the 1950s, prom was a formal affair with beautiful gowns[2], corsages, and tuxes. The community and parents eagerly hosted the events. Chaperones encouraged straighforward chastity between the two sexes. Proms were reserved for Seniors, and later Juniors were added.

Today, Proms are totally corrupt. They are a corrupt extension of the corrupting public schools. 

Public schools today are breeding grounds for Marxists-leftists and their ideals. They are anti-White. anti-community, anti-family, anti-boy, and anti-girl. Marxists control public schools and install Marxists teachers. They use schools as indoctrination centers for America’s children. The assault on your child is incessant from Kindergarten till graduation, 13 or more years.

These Marxists are like drug pushers. They are there to get your children hooked on the ideals of Marxism: race mixing, “gender” obfuscation, homosexuality, Latino on White girls, Muslims on White girls, Hindus on White girls, blacks on White girls, girls on White girls, and multiculturism (which means destruction of Whites and White culture). They aim to destroy your White girls and break down your natural parental defenses by calling you a racist for wanting to protect your young daughter. Your instincts, if intact, would be correct to want her kept away from non-Whites.

The sexualizing of America’s proms is in concert with the sexualizing of America’s public schools. Parents have turned their children over to the perverts of the state: the Marxist apparatchiks who have contempt for your children and are eager to corrupt them. These corruptors aim to bring the White girl down to the lowest common denominator: the stupid, the vile, the experienced sexualized non-White male who is ready to deflower her.

And what do White parents do? Dad turns a blind eye. Mom rushes to clad her nubile daughter in a slut dress. 

Until recently, formal and tux shops lived and died for prom season. Beginning in the early 1990s, they started selling slut dresses to high school girls. Now girls can order slut dresses online from cheap Asian suppliers who are happy to dress our American girls like Shaighai hookers. 

Strapless, bare, is the style, skintight, with rhinestones and sequins, looking like a Kardashian, with strategic cut-outs, slits up to “here” and down to “there”. Truly, a feast for the eyes… and for the privates …of the dark boys who believe you care so little for your daughter as to offer her up in this grotesque costume.

Moms preen, vicariously living through their daughters. Dads pretend not to notice, keeping the peace with mom. The daughters dream of glam orgies in a pimped-out limo driving out of town with their dark “boyfriend”. And the deflowerer snickers.

WW1 and WW2 had tremendous negative social consequences upon families and young people. Socially, things took a gigantic step down. In the media of its day, our girls were made out to be the flapper, the party girl, or the slut. 

Did you know that it is black slang to call a girl a thot? Blacks made up this slur to mean That Ho Over There.  That is how they think about your daughter. Embarassed, your daughter won’t tell you about such public school enrichment, so I will.

Along with consumerism, media and TV, integration, mecegination, moms going to work, divorce, and the biggie— immigration —civilization has been turned upside down. The order and safety of childhood was inverted so that non-Whites were given a seat at the feast of the White girl, laid out by the Marxists.

Proms have become just another means to defile your White daughter, making her used goods, debased, and open to nothing but non-Whites in her future.

Wake up, Dad! Take your wife in hand, and protect your children, lest you are the last in your lineage and your daughter comes home from freshman year in college with Jamal or Rajesh or Hung-Sook.



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